Covid 19 Safety
My Policies
Your safety and minimizing the spread of COVID 19 in our community is the priority. I can ensure our sessions are safe and meet physical distancing protocols. And, if there is any doubt, we can continue with virtual appointments.
First, we will decide together whether an in person appointment would be beneficial and where this appointment should be held – inside or outside depending on weather.
I will self screen myself everyday and monitor my health. I will call to screen clients and any other person that will be in the home during the session prior to appointments.

The following precautions will be taken at all appointments:
I will wear a mask if you would like me to.
I will perform hand sanitizing prior to, during and after our session. And clients are asked to do the same.
Whenever possible we will use client owned equipment. If we need to use my equipment, it will be sanitized before and after each use.
During screening, you will be asked if you have the following signs and symptoms.
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Fever (temperature of 37.8°C or greater)
New or worsening cough
Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
Other symptoms of COVID-19 can include:
Sore throat
Difficulty swallowing
New olfactory or taste disorder(s)
Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain
Runny nose, or nasal congestion – in absence of underlying reason for these symptoms such as seasonal allergies, post nasal drip, etc.
Other signs of COVID-19 can include:
Clinical or radiological evidence of pneumonia
Atypical symptoms can include:
Unexplained fatigue/malaise/myalgias
Delirium (acutely altered mental status and inattention)
Unexplained or increased number of falls
Acute functional decline Version 5.0 May 25, 2020
Exacerbation of chronic conditions
Multisystem inflammatory vasculitis in children
If you are 70 years of age or older, are you experiencing any of the following symptoms: delirium, unexplained or increased number of falls, acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions?
If you have screened positive, you should call your primary care provider or Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) for further clinical assessment.