Exercise Snacking
Push UP Exercise Snack
Push ups can be done anywhere!
I love snacks! Yes, mostly the food kind and especially anything with chocolate chips in them. I bake to find different ways to eat chocolate chips (besides just opening the bag and taking handfuls). My latest are chickpea, peanut butter, oatmeal cookies with of course dark chocolate chunks (all good stuff of course with a bit of maple syrup for added sweetness). Send me a note if you want my recipe! But I digress, this post is about exercise snacking.
Think of exercise snacks as a way to fit in short bouts of exercise and strengthening. Somedays, I can’t or don’t want to dedicate 30 minutes of exercise all at once. Or sometimes, I get distracted very easily (Squirrel?! Where?). I find it easier to stop what I am doing and fit in 25 squats then get back to work, cooking, cleaning or whatever else I was doing. Body weight exercise snacks can be done anywhere - at your desk, outside while on a walk, in the kitchen, in the yard or at your campsite! They can also be used to “get a buzz on”, or as a gateway exercise because they may just motivate you to do more! Get your heart rate up for a bit. Get the blood pumping. And, help strengthen some muscles! Go for it.
Wonder what you can do?
Push ups - on the floor, off your knees, against the counter, against the wall, against a rock - remember to keep your body as straight as possible
Squats or sit to stands - at your desk, kitchen table, or anywhere you want to drop your butt slowly! Just remember to practice good form - hinge forward at your hips first, push your butt back and sink it down, keep your knees over your toes but not in front of your toes, feel free to keep your hands in front of you for some balance!
Step Ups - find a step, stair, rock, curb etc. Put one leg on a step, slowly using that leg only, push down on the step and slowly rise up, letting your other leg leave the ground or floor (You might want to try a lower step than the rock I found on the trail - especially if you are new to step ups!)
Stairs - go up and down a flight of stairs a few times
Split squats or lunges - only go as low as you can, keep your front knee in line with your foot, think about going up and down and not forward
Calf raises - try to go straight up and down and not lean forward
Dips - don’t go too deep with these
Bicep Curls - grab anything to lift such as a rock, bottle, can, weight
Rows or bow and arrow with a band - use your shoulder blade muscles to pull your shoulder back
Try a few exercise snacks today. Send me a note to let me know how they go and if you need a few more examples!